We deeply express our condolence to those who are now suffering from, victims of the earthquake and its successive tsunami as you might have already seen. We, Ensemble Camphrier, decided to do every little thing how it might be, thus we call here for any kind donations and amiable collaborations from all over the world via any available means. Also, we are urgently requesting donation boxes set where we usually play, and going to hold charity concerts for supporting the victims in the near future. Together with the donations from individuals of Camphrier members and Ensemble Camphrier as a whole, we would like to do Donations to a reliable organisation (Of course, about which we will never fail to report).
We are very very grateful to have your kind and heartful support for the victims, how little it might be, it must be highly respected and recognised.
Ensemble Camphrier 13 March, 2011
2011 Seisme et Tsunami de Tohoku
Chers Amis,
Profondement touches par cet epouvantable tremblement de terre suivi de cet incroyable tsunami, nous presentons aux victimes et a leurs familles nos plus sinceres condoleances et nos souhaits de prompt retablissement aux blesses.
A notre facon, avec nos infimes moyens, nous voudrions avec l'Ensemble Camphrier donner un concert de charite et ouvrir une caisse de soutien pour essayer de venir en aide a tous ceux qui sont dans le besoin.
Nous vous tiendrons au courant sur notre site et par mail. Merci d'avance de votre presence et de votre soutien.